07: Building A Community Authentically & Manifesting Your Future (with Lindsey Hughes)

Lindsey Hughes is a seasoned creator on YouTube and Instagram who has spent the past 9 years growing and evolving across the social media landscape.

First getting her start creating beauty videos in the early days of YouTube, Lindsey grew and empire that eventually turned into so much more that just makeup and hair videos.

Lindsey has incredible points to make about the power of creating for yourself, balancing scheduling as a creator, and shifting her focus as time goes on.


What you’ll learn this week:

  • How manifestation is much more simple than people want to make it

  • How authenticity is one of the most important factors in growing an audience that will be there for you

  • The power of creating a schedule and committing to your craft

Make sure to follow Lindsey across her social platforms:

Lindsey’s YouTube Channel

Lindsey’s Instagram